I have a wide range of things that I use in my Personal Learning Network (PLN). I use several websites to get ideas about classroom activitis and creative crafts for children.
I teach Sunday School, so several of these listed I use currently in my Sunday School Class.
ebibleteacher.com has a blog. They post helpful websites for Sunday School teachers to make teaching the bible easier.
I am friends with Pam Halbrook on facebook. She is a retired teacher from the Pascagoula School District, but is also a wonderful resource when writing papers and doing research. Sometimes I'll ask her just to proof a paper for me, and other times I'll ask her opinion about how a certain project I'm working on is going. She gives me feedback quickly and I value her opinion and trust her editing skills.
Another friend of mine on facebook is Elizabeth McCullough. She graduated from USA several years ago, but is tons of help when it comes to picking classes, writing papers, or just plain stressing out. She also helps me a lot with my Sunday School lessons. She is able to word things better than I can to help my Sunday School Class better understand the topic we are discussing.
I also consult another
website about blogging in general. It gives you ideas to use for a classroom blog and I'm sure I'll use it often when I have my own class. It shows different tools available for blogs and tells teachers how to utilize one in their own classroom.
The last part of my PLN is a group on facebook called "Elementary Teacher Resources". The group is composed of teachers and aspiring teachers from all over the nation. These teachers are supportive of one another, they offer up classroom management strategies, unit ideas, decorating tips for the classroom, etc. These people post photos of activities they do with their classes, the post photos of their rooms. This group is hugely beneficial to all who are members.