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I'm a 24 year old mommy and full-time student. I love learning and going to school, but I'd love even more to be finished with school!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Comments 4 Kids

I visited Mr. Goerend's class blog. I was able to read different days that children had imagined. The first student I commented on was Owen. He had told a story about "Walk Like a Monkey Day" after his friend woke up with a hunched back. His story was creative and imaginitive. I enjoyed reading about his day. The next student I commented on was Macy. She told a cute story about Dressing up like a farmer day. The next student I commented on did not leave a name, but his holiday was called "Sprint like a Cheetah day." I thought his story about running late was something that I could totally relate to which is why I chose to comment on it. The next student was Jenna. She created "Dress up like a clown day" where you can wear silly clothes and wigs and too-big shoes and dress like a clown! I also like that she changed her font and text color. Ian wrote a story about walk like a sloth day! This idea was wonderful. I am always running late for things and I think we should all walk like sloths!
I think this is a good idea for our class. I think it will not only help students with understanding that writing is for your readers not for yourself, and also build confidence about their writing. Knowing that someone other than my teacher is going to read/grade things always makes me put more effort into my own writing and I'm sure it does the same thing for students.

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