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I'm a 24 year old mommy and full-time student. I love learning and going to school, but I'd love even more to be finished with school!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Alabama Connecting Classrooms

this is a photo of the word alabama carved into marble
ACCESS is a tool used for Alabama Educators in high school settings. It is a resource for schools that aren't able to provide their students with the courses that they'd like to offer. This is a way for high school students to learn on-line, the way many college courses are set up. There are classes that are totally online and include face-to-face lecture over the internet, virtual field trips, online tests, etc. This is a way for rural school districts with low enrollment to offer classes that higher funded schools are able to offer without having to increase their own payroll accounts.
I feel that this tool will open doors for students that may not otherwise be opened. This will allow a student that attends a school in a district that can't afford AP classes, or something similar, to still participate in those types of classes. It will allow schools to participate in learning in a way that they have never been able to participate. I think that the course offerings of most schools in the state will increase. Just because a school doesn't have the money or staff to teach classes like astronomy, or Russian, does not mean that they can't still offer the courses through a situation like this. This will revolutionize the way learning in high school has been done for so many years. I think that more states will move in this direction soon as well.

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